Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A warm welcome to The Art of Longevity!

    • How to use this course

  • 2

    Module 1 - Body Rejuvenation

    • Body Rejuvenation Intro

    • Optimal Detox

    • Organotrophism & Compatible Food

    • Healthy Spine = Healthy, Long Life

    • The Fountain of Youth

    • Workbook for Module 1

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    Module 2 - Emotionally Fit for Longevity

    • Emotionally Fit for Longevity Intro

    • Deconditioning - Break free from limitations

    • Healhty Emotional Patterns

    • Mental Resilience & Protection

    • The Power of Intentions

    • Module 2 Workbook

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    Module 3 - The Art of Living Happy, with Purpose & Fulfillment

    • The Art of Living Happy Intro

    • The Secret of Happiness

    • Happiness & Longevity - Daily Practical Tips

    • Longevity & Purpose - A Long Life of Meaning

    • Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science on Longevity

    • MIndset Makeover for a Longevive and Fulfilling Life

    • Module 3 Workbook

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    Next steps

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...